Monday, July 19, 2010

threadless voting

My design on threadless is up for voting! If you like it please take the time to vote! Its much appreciated :)

He's got the world in his....antlers - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Sunday, July 18, 2010

8 tracks

I have a new obsession. A site called 8tracks. You basically put together 8 track playlists for other people to listen to. I've found some good mixes to listen to while working on designs, and its nice that 1. I wasn't the one that had to make it and 2. there are some new things mixed in with songs I already like. And since I'm a huge music nerd and have to download something new every day its a great way to discover new music without trying.

Here are a couple mixes I've made so far:

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I'm working on a design for threadless. It's my first time trying to contribute and I have to say, its not easy at all. I'm really lacking a lot of the technology I need to do this (the major one being a tablet!!!) But nonetheless, thought I'd share my design:

Friday, July 9, 2010

fourth of july

Went to the fireworks show on the Cape Fear River in Wilmington, NC. Made a video. Posted it here for you to enjoy.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


New work will come soon hopefully. Now that I've had about a month and a half of summer under my belt I'm dying to make some art. Unfortunately before I can make it I have to set up a studio to work in. I'm lucky enough to have the perfect space to do it in (and it's air conditioned too!), but still need the exposure unit, squeegees, inks, scoop coats, clamps, so on and so forth...

The life of a printmaker I tells ya. What we do is not easy!